Categories: Experiencias

La juzgan por “gorda”, pesa 140 kilos pero tiene una habilidad física envidiable

Cuando mencionamos que una persona practica yoga, lo más probable es que la imaginemos flexible y delgada.


Maria Odugba es una mujer que está rompiendo los estereotipos de la sociedad, ella practica yoga como toda una profesional a pesar de sus 140 kilos.

Maria, la mujer que está rompiendo esquemas en la sociedad

com/p/Bnwhs_Mngqo/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_medium=loading" style=" color:#000; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none; word-wrap:break-word;" target="_blank">I’d rather be at Disney this weekend, but instead I’ve been moving and working my life away.point 317 |


*lol not really, I’m so dramatic* | On the topic of Disney, I’ve had many people privately message me asking about being Plus Sized and going to Disney.point 129 | I know how nerve wrecking it can be to wonder if you’re gonna fit on things or if you’re gonna be the odd ball on the trip.point 230 |


I’m thinking about making a Youtube Video of my experiences and favorite moments at Disney?.point 80 | If you have any questions or that’d be something you would like to watch feel free to comment or DM me.point 165 | Until then, enjoy my throwback favorite moments at Disney.point 215 |


It truly is my favorite place to be…even if my husband fights it every step of the way ??point 77 | 1

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Maria desde hace años siente pasión por la yoga. Gracias a su dedicación, su calidad de vida ha mejorado drásticamente, perdió más de 70 kilos en los últimos 3 años.

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It’s not easy to start over.point 295 |


.point 1 | it’s really really hard.point 24 | You get two steps from your goal, something happens to throw you off and then you’re pushed 20 steps in the opposite direction.point 131 | It sucks, it’s embarassing and you’re stuck trying to figure out how not to give up.point 204 |


That’s pretty much how my life was at the beginning of this year.point 55 | I realized that theres also a sort beauty in new beginnings though.point 111 | You get to use the knowledge from the past and make it better for the next go around…that’s sort of where I’m at right now.point 220 |


I’ve already begun the “re-do stage” and I’m using all of the things that didn’t work the first time to help me succeed this time.point 116 | There’s always a light at the end of the tunnel, but lets be real friends, we’ve all got smart phones with flash lights.point 218 |


Learn to light that tunnel up along your journeys.point 42 | Our past is a great tool if we learn to use it correctly.point 87 | • If you haven’t entered my giveaway make sure you do! Check out a few posts back.point 157 | I’m giving away all my favorite things.point 192 | ?point 193 | 1

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Practicar yoga ha cambiado su cuerpo pero también su mente, ahora tiene una mejor autoestima:

“Me di cuenta de que no necesitas usar las tallas más pequeñas para poder hacer todo. Fue como cuando una oruga nace de un capullo para convertirse en mariposa. Ahora puedo caminar con la cabeza bien alta. Previamente, me estaba escondiendo detrás de mi ropa, tratando de ser invisible, y ahora vivo mi vida real.”

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Hope everyone is having a great weekend! Time for a little bit of truth from me.point 335 |


In the last year I’ve kind of come to the realization that I don’t care for yoga as much as I once did.point 85 | I really enjoy the “stretching” side of things and I’d rather do a class full of stretching than a yoga class.point 181 | This isn’t too new, I always preferred to do my own thing rather than classes because I just didn’t really “feel” the classes I went to.point 300 |


I don’t want to be known for just doing yoga because there’s so much more that I do.point 71 | I was talking to my friend @soulfulartists11 tonight while shoving pizza down my throat and she basically told me I need to keep trying because there may be a class I actually enjoy and I just don’t know it yet.point 245 |


Soo, I’ve made plans and I’ll be trying again.point 42 | If anything, I’ll get an amazing workout from it.point 85 | There’s so much more to yoga than a cool pose and I’ve always made that clear so back to the basics I go.point 172 | I’ll either love it, hate it.point 198 | .or die.point 205 |


We shall see.point 11 | ??‍♀️?point 23 | 1

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Esta mujer desde hace años vive con sobrepeso. En una ocasión asistió al médico y ahí se dio cuenta que tenía que hacer algo por su vida, así que la solución la vio en la yoga.


Actualmente Maria recibe muchas críticas, varias personas le dicen que haga otro tipo de ejercicio en el que pueda perder más rápido de peso, pero ella está convencida que con la yoga ha logrado grandes metas, su respuesta ha inspirado a miles de personas.

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I’m not sure when my practice changed, but it did.point 313 |


I went from enjoying what I did to being overwelmed with having to take cool bendy pictures to post every day on social media.point 103 | I sort of lost myself…as I mentioned before, I’ve taken many steps back to the basics and it feels so good.point 198 | Yes, I still do cool bendy things, but I also do lots of the cool boring stuff, too.point 265 |


I feel so good where I’m at right now.point 32 | ❤️ | Loooove this outfit from @diaandco The new Active Box makes me feel just as good as starting over does.point 124 | Click the link in my bio to find more about the Active Box.point 171 | ??‍♀️ #fittothrive #adpoint 197 | 1

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Maria cuenta con muchas seguidoras que admiran su fuerza de voluntad, mencionan que no sólo quieren adelgazar, también desean aprender a quererse a ellas mismas.

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Hey all!! This is pretty much what my day to day life looks like.point 461 |


Sitting in a studio somewheres on a yoga mat.point 37 | I’ve lost just about 18lbs since I started this internship.point 89 | I’m so glad I chose to be in this field.point 122 | I get to meet so many amazing people that motivate me every single day.point 180 | My husband says I don’t feel like I’m losing weight because I just look at my face and never look at the rest of my body.point 280 |


He’s probably right…I’m just excited the numbers are finally moving.point 69 | I should probably take measurements today so I can track that as well.point 127 | *rambling on and on and on lol*.point 153 | I’ll be starting my health & wellness group starting in September! More on that to come.point 232 |


? Have a great Monday & rest of the week!point 36 | 1

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Maria ha demostrado ser una mujer valiente y fuerte. No dudes en compartir este artículo con tus seres queridos.

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