Categories: Experiencias

Mujer embarazada de 40 semanas hace intensa rutina de ejercicios

A un gran número de futuras madres se les recomienda realizar poco esfuerzo, ya que se cree que realizar “fuerzas” es malo para el bebé.


Sin embargo, existen mujeres que siguen ejercitándose durante la gestación, y ese es el caso de la amante del crossfit Emily Breeze Watson.


Ella entrenó prácticamente hasta el día del parto, ya que en ningún momento de su embarazo dejó de hacer deporte, y el video a continuación lo corrobora, en él señala que tiene 40 semanas de gestación.

com/p/BikTgfIHmQ3/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_medium=loading" style=" color:#000; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none; word-wrap:break-word;" target="_blank">?? baby is still on board! A lady at the park asked me if I was still working out.point 301 |


.point 1 | well YES.point 9 | . I woke up feeling great so why wouldn’t I be living life as normal?! Besides, after my workout I felt 1000x better! I mean can we all agree that exercise is one of the most effective ways to improve your mental health.point 189 | Regular exercise can have a profoundly positive impact on depression, anxiety, ADHD, and more.point 270 |


It also relieves stress, improves memory, helps you sleep better, and boosts overall mood.point 77 | ? #40weekspregnant #moveyourbumppoint 107 | 1

A post shared by Emily Breeze Ross Watson (@emilybreeze) on

Emily demostró a lo largo de todo su embarazo que sí es posible ejercitarse estando encinta, aunque cabe resaltar que ella ya entrenaba de esa forma desde mucho antes de quedar embarazada.

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OMG I’m in my final MONTH before I become a MOM of TWO!!! I’m feeling great and I continue to attribute that to movement!! Before you guys go all crazy on me – remember that I’m a real life human who has feelings.point 453 |


I’m a woman, a wife, a mother, a friend, and truly inspire to lead a healthy lifestyle.point 73 | I am sharing MY JOURNEY and not everyone has to agree with it- that’s what makes up this big world- a whole lot of different people! But, please don’t shame me for doing something I have done my entire life and something that I KNOW makes me feel better every single day.point 297 |


There will be moms who follow my lead and walk the dog, play with their kids, and workout and there will be moms who sit on the couch and eat fast food- cool- I’m not here to judge.point 146 | Being a woman is hard, being a mom is hard- let’s all just show each other some love.point 216 |


High fives ?? and “you go girl,” to all the badass people in my life who support me! Love y’all! ? #36weekspregnant #moveyourbumppoint 113 | 1

A post shared by Emily Breeze Ross Watson (@emilybreeze) on

Emily tiene miles de seguidores, y se ha convertido en una inspiración para muchas mujeres.


La pequeña Merci Deas actualmente tiene 4 meses de vida y se encuentra muy sana, disfrutando del amor que le dan sus padres y su hermano mayor.



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