Categories: Experiencias

Nació con el corazón fuera de su tórax, fue golpeada por un compañero en la escuela y lleva meses muy delicada

La vida de esta pequeña ha sido muy difícil, desde el principio pensaron que no sobreviviría.


Visarviya Borun-Goncharova se ha convertido en una figura importante en Instagram a sus 8 años, nació con una rara condición conocida como síndrome toracoabdominal, es tan poco común en los seres humanos que sólo se da en un recién nacido entre 8 millones, básicamente, las personas que nacen con esta condición tienen el corazón fuera del pecho.



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The same little girl in the emergency intensive care but in 2 different countries and with more then a 7 years of gap.point 372 |


On the Left pic Virsaviya is about 18 months old and on the right one she is almost 9 years old.point 76 | Only God knows how many difficult situations we went through,how hard it is when your child have a lot of conditions,when you can’t sleep just because you have to help your baby to live and breath and to not have pain.point 256 |


I know there is much more to go through together but I’m not afraid because Jesus gives me strength and reassurance that He is by our side.point 115 | I see some people commenting something like :what type of mother you are why you didn’t do a surgery for your child or : I feel sorry for the girl because of the mother she have or :why there still no surgery yet??? Or :you so stupid to post something like this.point 328 |


Do you even understand what I’m going through before say something like that ? Did you come here to stay with her at least 1 night while she is choking ? Did you travel with her alone since you were 19 years old to other cities and countries to find a help for her ? Did you go through surgery and many hospitals , procedures , anesthesia and medicines? Did I you find strength to escape from domestic violence with your baby ?Did you raise your child without the father ? Did you change your life , left the whole your family , changed country and primary language in order for your child could have better weather to live in ? Did you deal with penology of Cantrell , multiple heart defects , pulmonary hypertension, pyelonephritis , pyelocystitis with reflex , asthma , myopia , astigmatism , intestines and skin problems at the same time ? I deal with it daily .point 707 |


And there is no one in this world can do a surgery for her because of a lot of different conditions she have at the same time so if doctors give me 30% that my daughter will survive after the surgery, guess what ? I prefer my daughter to live without surgery just because I want her alive the way God created her Instead of to try to risk and to regret about it for the rest of my life and feel guilty that i killed my own child! CONTINUE BELLOW in comments ⬇️⬇️⬇️#VirsaviyaWarriorpoint 400 | 1


A post shared by ✨?Dari Borun & Virsaviya?✨ (@dariborun) on

Su familia siempre está preocupada por darle una vida normal y así ha sucedido durante toda su vida hasta ahora, pues a pesar de sus esfuerzos, una situación cotidiana ha cambiado todo…




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